Antenna Programs

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EZNEC Antenna Software by W7EL EZNEC Antenna Software by W7EL NEW! Above: Screen shots from several EZNEC v. 6.0 displays.

Rhythm corps common ground rar. Programs for common antennas and some experimental includes dipoles quad yagi verticals discone jpole skyhoppers and parabolic antennas. This resource is listed under. Antenna Software FOR QUICK FIND -- USE YOUR BROWSER FIND COMMAND OR DO A Ctrl F, type in the sought after item. 10 m DELTA LOOP Antenna calculator. Antenna TV @AntennaTV. AntennaTV It's Groundhog Day! Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, so it's official -- six more weeks of winter!

Right: 3D far field pattern, with 2D elevation 'slice' highlighted. Any azimuth or elevation slice can be highlighted. Center: View Antenna display, showing the 'wires' making up the model of the five-element beam, with currents and 2D slice superimposed to show orientation. Several other items, such as currents and wire numbers, can be added to this display. Left: 2D display showing detailed information about the selected slice.

All program types are Windows applications EZNEC v. 6.0 programs function on Windows XP(SP3). and later Windows operating systems, 32 or 64 bit. Note: Intel CPU is required on XP and Vista systems but not on Windows 7 and later. Click on the image to the left to see a screen shot from EZNEC v. 6.0 and EZNEC+ v.

6.0 are similar, with added features. Products:.


Upgrades:. (additional information of interest to amateurs) Need more information? Email Roy Lewallen.

Antenna Software by W7EL. Web page by W7EL & Sam Lewallen.

Antenna Programs

Warm and sinciere greetings2all who have put forth easy and simple ways and means of designing different kinds of antennas esp parabolic antennas.As some1who has had intimate knowledge of executing the same for 12&16 feet dish antennas about 30 years back during the pioneering days of satellite reception I can claim with no small authority that it was really not a joke2put a sat reception unit all built practically handmade end2end within the literal 4 walls of my house(Made more than 2dozen of them for many well off well wishers. Mind you, all this when there wasn,t even a national or international call office &of course obviously without the internet,Nat/Int Calls from the luxury of your palm off the fly that we tend2take4granted nowadays. Even now although it isn,t the top secret rocket science that was viewed with much awe and adoration2all connected2the trade, I can personally vouch4the true satisfaction of watching then unparalleled brilliant colour pictures of a wide variety literally out of “thin air”. It is in this context that I wished you all on the same&asked many of the rest of you2try2put2practice.(Although I must warn you there arn’t2many free goodies coming in 4m the skies).

Antenna Programs

Best of luck2all of you you would like2give it a try though.Best of luck.