Regsvr32 Dirsize.dll
How to view directory size in windows Using GUI 1 2 And another support tool is dirsize Download dirsize.dll to c: windows system32 and run regsvr32 dirsize.dll in run command.This will add a new column to show the detailed view of files and filders. Download Using command There were some pretty tools like in linux(ls -lht and du -ksh.) du -n;need to install sysinternals download diruse;Resource kit eg:- diruse /m /c:; shows file size in MB from C drive or download servicepack support tools eg:- diruse /s /M /. /D /Q:1500 c: temp;shows more than 1500mb size files from c: temp dir /s.
. Introduction In day to day life, when one wants to know the size of a folder, (s)he has to right click on the folder name and has to choose the Properties.
Using this DLL, one can view the folder size as one of the columns of the Explorer as shown in the image. We also have the facility to sort according to the folder size. (I did not do anything to sort, it is done by Explorer.:)) This class implements the Shell interface called IColumnProvider. Using this interface, one can customize the Explorer's Details view. This class adds one more column to the Details view, which displays the consolidated folder size. To build this project, you must install Microsoft Platform SDK, or click 53.5 KB to download SHLOBJ.h. How to Use the DLL Well, if you build the project, you need not do anything, since the IDE automatically registers the DLL.

Find related downloads to Dirsize.dll freeware and softwares, download Process Explorer, QuickTime Player, Virtual Drive, Full Player, RocketDock, Rootkit Revealer.
- In the blank field of the open window, type the following command “regsvr32_path_to_dirsize.dll” (without quotes), for example, “regsvr32 C.
- This code displays the folder size information in the Explorer's. Folder Size Information in the Windows Explorer Details View. Regsvr32 c: DirSize.DLL.
If demo project is downloaded, then unzip the DLL and register it using the command 'regsvr32 '. E.g., Regsvr32 c: DirSize.DLL, if the DLL is present in C. Scope for Further Improvements This code can be modified to display the number of files/folders in the folder. Or maybe, you can pack two more classes to display columns for number of files and number of folders into the same DLL to do so. Performance Issues When the user selects the 'Folder Size' item from the Explorer context menu, the Explorer starts calculating the folder size by traversing all the files and nested folders. First time, it might take some minutes depending upon the contents of the folder.
Dirsize Download

But all the operations are done in the background (Explorer is smart enough! So this won't stop you from traversing through other files. Aniljpatil 2-Dec-11 22:56 2-Dec-11 22:56 Dear Sir, I have downloaded the file and activated it as per given procedure.
After that I made visible the 'Folder Size' column and the Folder size with number of files and folders is appearing. But when I click on the Heading of the 'Folder Size' Column the Folders are not getting arranged in Ascending & Descending Order as per their Size. Even the 3 information's (Folder size, no. Of files & no. Of folders) look a bit congested and not orderly! Is it possible to separate these 3 information's in different columns or semi columns?
Or is it possible to present them with a tab space in between them? Best regards, Anil. Member 4358489 25-Aug-11 12:32 25-Aug-11 12:32 How can I add a column for file/path length in windows explorer.
For all users in a windows domain. This is important for me because our projects are copied to CD/DVD and there are built in restrictions in the software we use. Most of my users have Win 7 64bit, but I have 4 win XP and 2 Vista users also. Additionally, if there is a way to change the color of the resulting text when it reaches a value of 106 characters length, and again at a value of 212 characters length.
Thank you in advance Steve in Alaska. Well, I don't have an implementation (yet), but a quick view on MS site told me this needs to be done. implement IInitializeWithItem in Initialize, call IShellItem::GetDisplayName(SIGDNFILESYSPATH,.) to get the file path, then start with that path name - implement IPropertyStore and define a property schema - register dll during registration disable run fom indexer (DisableProcessIsolation) register for all files (is it possible?) and folders - probably more Harald PS: Too much work for now, sorry. MS docs: Last Visit: 31-Dec-99 19:00 Last Update: 9-Feb-18 15:15 1 General News Suggestion Question Bug Answer Joke Praise Rant Admin Use Ctrl+Left/Right to switch messages, Ctrl+Up/Down to switch threads, Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right to switch pages.