Whatsapp For Samsung Galaxy Y Duos S6102 Charging
Mobile App Samsung s6102 WhatsApp Messenger. WhatsApp Messenger Download for Samsung s6102. Android Apps For Galaxy J1; Android Apps For Samsung Core 2.
Yes, it`s a basic question but it`s oddly difficult to find the answer. It seems a bit clunky but it seems to be the way the phone was designed. Here`s how you set your mp3 as a ringtone: Here`s how you set your mp3 as a ringtone: 1. Open any file manager app 2. Look for a folder called Media in the phone`s main directory.
(Most likely it doesn`t exist, so create it by right clicking and choosing New Folder, then rename the folder to be media) 3. Inside the media folder, you need a folder called Audio. Again, if it’s not there create it as above 4. Inside the Audio folder, create subfolders for the sound categories you want to change: - Ringtones for sound files you want to use for incoming calls - Alarms for sound files you want to use for alarms - Notifications for all other alerts such as incoming SMS, emails or alerts from individual apps, etc (lower/upper case is irrelevant - the folders can be 'Media', 'MEDIA', 'media', etc). My samsung galaxy y duos having some unique problem, while charging, it shows Bat is faulty or not charging, or switching off.
If Bat is removed. My samsung galaxy y duos having some unique problem, while charging, it shows Bat is faulty or not charging, or switching off. If Bat is removed and charging out side separately, the phone is running like others, if during this running time i connect my charger phone getting switched off, what to do, if any one helps me to resolve the problem will be thankful to him. I have a samsung galaxy model y duos s6102. After charging the battery fully overnight, it is getting discharged by morning and not even getting bo. I have a samsung galaxy model y duos s6102. After charging the battery fully overnight, it is getting discharged by morning and not even getting booted and goes on trying.

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When I showed it to the local service center, they told me it is the problem of IC which is draining the battery or software problem. I do not understand where & what is the actual problem.

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