Three Investigators Ebook

The Three Investigators #15, 17, 21, and 23 are available for amazon Kindle I loved this series of books when I was a child in the late 70s/early 80s. They’ve been out of print for a long time. I don’t even own a Kindle, but I thought others might like to know about these being available for Kindle.
The Three Investigators is an American juvenile detective book series first published as 'Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators'. It was created by Robert.
I bought paper copies of these books at eBay many years ago, after having given away my originals as a teenager. These are very smart books, and far more enjoyable than the Hardy Boys, in my opinion. Too bad none of the ones by series creator Robert Arthur (the first 9, and #11) are available for Kindle, as those were the best. It seems weird to start with these later ones, but I guess there’s probably some legal reason for not releasing the earlier ones. Each book is pretty self contained and self explanatory, so it’s perfectly OK not to start at the beginning. But the ones by Arthur really are the best, and for the sake of preservation, I hope they get released for Kindle.
Feb 03, 2013 Found several eBooks of my favourite childhood series: The Three Investigators by Robert Arthur. Click on the following titles to download the EPUB format. Jan 24, 2015 The Three Investigators #15, 17, 21, and 23 are available for amazon Kindle. I loved this series of books when I was a child in the late 70s/early 80s.
#15 The Mystery of the Flaming Footprints: #17 The Mystery of the Singing Serpent: #21 The Secret of the Haunted Mirror: #23 The Mystery of the Invisible Dog. Blog Stats. 1,021,100 hits. Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 493 other followers. Categories. Recent Posts.
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