Elastix Notice No Fax License Detected

I'm setting up a virtual fax on Elastix box. Elastix have this built-in Hylafax and iaxmodem so what's left to do is just create an IAX2 extension, set the route and create virtual fax on 'Fax Tab' on the elastix web GUI. However, I can't receive nor send fax. Here's what I get from the fax viewer: Different messages for sending fax: 1. Re-queued: No answer (T.30 T1 timeout) 2.
Failed: Busy signal detected; too many attempts to dial 3. Failed: Failure to train remote modem at 2400 bps or minimum speed; too many attempts to send message on fax viewer when receiving fax 1. Requeued: No answer from remote. Tried diff guides but same results.
Oct 20, 2014 Elastix Server Problems with Sending / Receiving Faxes. If I try to send a fax from within Elastix using my virtual fax. I see NOTICE: No Fax license detected. Using your windows PC to send fax is possible if you have the Hylafax Fax client installed on.
If i call the fax ext i created, i can hear it ring, asterisk -r console show call, and virtual fax list displays: receiving facsimile. I need help to get the virtual fax working. Yeah I think it's missed. Thanks for noticing Scott! Unfortunately it's not yet solved. Yesterday I called my ISP if they support t.38 and they say yes. Black sails games hacked.
We have some fax testing and they noticed that I have a different header format. They advised me to configure my header format using domain name instead of using IP.
The problem is, Im not too sure how can I change the header format on the Elastix box. And If I change it, would affect the Voip service we are currently running live? I was advised to change the header format to something like below for the fax to work: INVITE sip: SIP/2.0 From: 'Prod';tag=sbc0508sbcthLNQZ4HL6VcH6B Thanks! Daynobot wrote: yeah I think it's missed. Thanks for noticing Scott! Unfortunately it's not yet solved.
Yesterday I called my ISP if they support t.38 and they say yes. We have some fax testing and they noticed that I have a different header format. They advised me to configure my header format using domain name instead of using IP. The problem is, Im not too sure how can I change the header format on the Elastix box. And If I change it, would affect the Voip service we are currently running live?
I was advised to change the header format to something like below for the fax to work: INVITE sip: SIP/2.0 From: 'Prod';tag=sbc0508sbcthLNQZ4HL6VcH6B Thanks! You need to get into embedded FreePBX to change the fax header. You may or may not see this option on the PBX menu inside Elastix.
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I can't remember if it just does not show up as an option or just won't let you in if you do not have it enabled. To enable access to embedded FreePBX, go to Security - Advanced Settings. You will see the option to enabled direct access to FreePBX. You can turn it on and set the admin password.
Then go back to the PBX menu - unembedded FreePBX. Login as user admin and the password you just set. Once inside FreePBX, click the Setup tab on the left-hand side, and go to Fax Configuration. Once you reach this menu, you will see a field where you can edit the default fax header.
Try making the changes your ISP recommended, click Submit, and Apply the changes. Then send a test fax outbound / try sending one inbound to see if it works. I've not heard of anyone having to do this, so good luck to you. I tried your instructions, going into FreePBX and changed the fax header in Fax config.
However i still cannot do inbound and outbound fax. The weird thing is, i try creating another fax extension (ext 420), but when I call that extension, it says 'the number you dialed does not exist'. I setup the ext exactly the same as the one Im working with (ext 401), and when I call the ext 401, it rings, and FAX gui tab displays: Receiving facsimile on ttyIAX1. Can you please take a look at the attached asterisk cli if something's wrong? Thank you the log is taken when sending a fax to 68205150. Hi buddy, unfortunately I haven't found a solution yet and then I stopped working on it to do some urgent tasks.
Now I'm getting back into it, do you have any progress so far? For everyone's update: I called our SIP provider and did a testing on T-38 codec. Here's their finding and I haven't responded to them so far: 1) Problem: incoming & outgoing fax issue Findings: For fax, StarHub send RE-INVITE with T38/G711 codec due to codec negotiation &your end return back ‘488 Not acceptable here’ to StarHub. The handshaking of the fax failed due to codec negotiation failed.
That’s why incoming & outgoing fax failed with the same result, release cause=488 not acceptable here. Resolution: you are using internet fax & your network is using codec T.30 as what you have verified. Please assist to check on your end. Can you please help me understand this correctly? I don't have T.38?
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Regards, Deno. Daynobot, As far as I know, the HylaFAX & IAXModem in Elastix is most successful when used with an analog PCI TDM card (Sangoma or Digium) and a real telephone line.
If you must fax over SIP using G.711 (uLaw or aLaw), it will usually only be acceptably reliable when the SIP happens only on the local LAN, where there is no packet loss, and low jitter. Even if your provider did support T.38, I don't think HylaFAX & IAXModem in Elastix do. A lot of ATAs like the Grandstream Handytones and Cisco SPA 112 support T.38 though, so maybe HylaFAX doesn't have to. If you connected one of these ATAs up to a SIP service provider who does support T.38, maybe HylaFAX could just think it's connected to a POTS line (provided by the ATA). I think it might also be possible to use T38Modem to add T.38 support to the HylaFAX in Elastix, but that might break the Elastix/IAXmodem setup.
Three to five times an hour both of my two POTS lines generate this 'Red Alarm'. I am also getting complaints of calls being dropped a few seconds after starting. This system is new and these may not be related. This system is an IVR and gets about 40 calls per hour.
While the system is new it is a copy of server that has been running for months. Any idea if these are related?
What steps should I take to troubleshoot either problem? First, I agree that you should contact Digium's support since they are in a position to work with you to quickly collect the information needed to trouble shoot. That being said, I'll second what ianplain said and check your wiring. The RED alarm on an analog port is generated when the driver detects a loss of voltage on the line for an extended period of time, which normally means that the port has been disconnected from the provider or the cable has an intermittent short somewhere. Also, it's most likely this is the reasons for your dropped calls. Oldsterisk Posts: 200 Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:02 pm.