Dungeon Keeper 2
For Dungeon Keeper 2 on the PC, GameFAQs has 5 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs). Dungeon Keeper 2 Free Download, the sequel to the first Dungeon Keeper you build up a defensive dungeon and protect it from invading enemy heroes, with improved graphics!
Most gamers in their thirties look back fondly at all the BullFrog games, from Theme Hospital to Dungeon Keeper 2. They have the perfect mix of comedy and dynamic game play that offers more than one way to complete a level. Dungeon Keeper 2 is truly one of their finest games. Carve out a dungeon and fill it with creatures You are the dark lord Horny, and you must use your imps to dig out a dungeon for yourself. Attract creatures to it by giving them a place to sleep and chickens to eat. Attract specialist creatures by creating rooms just for them, such as a library for wizards and graveyards for vampires. Each creature has his or her own special abilities that will allow you to take down the Good Knights that block your route to the outer realms.
The game play in Dungeon Keeper 2 is very dynamic where no game is similar to the last one, and there are plenty of different ways you can destroy your enemy. For example, you can deny them of land bit by bit, or build up your forces and shock attack certain rooms and disappear before the enemy can mobilize.
There is a problem where Dark Knights and Dark Angels do not spawn, but there is a patch-free solution to the (Conclusion - A truly brilliant dungeon management game There are so many facets to the game that it is hard to describe the game play to people who haven't played it. As you progress through the game, the way you may destroy your enemies will become more complex. If you think your enemies are too strong, then capture and convert them, or let them starve and turn them to skeletons. Do not be put off by the less than perfect graphics, they are still far better than anything indie developers are offering these days.
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. 9 Presentation Dungeon Keeper 2 has it all - great intro and plot animations, a big thick manual, a very handy reference card and a demonic feel that can't be beat.
8.5 Graphics Keeper's in game graphics are stunning. Great special effects, and magnificent first person views.
Dungeon Keeper 2 Editor
Unfortunately, some of the plot animations are pretty faded and grainy. 8.5 Sound While the game's soundtrack is, for the most part, forgettable, Dungeon Keeper 2's sound effects and speech are fantastic. 9 Gameplay While there's not a whole lot here that wasn't in the first game, the implementation this time around is truely remarkable. Simply put, this is a game that I could not stop playing. 8.5 Lasting Appeal Just playing through the single player missions will take you a good long time, but the inclusion of solid multiplayer support and a free-form design mode make this a very replayable game.