Download Lost Ground Defeater Rar
Defeater - Lost Ground, 2009 USA (Massachusetts), 2009 new Hardcore (06 tracks, 19min, CDEACflacFLAC@lossless, 145MB) ' is a band recognized not only for their obvious musical talent, but also for their social awareness and environmental activism in a musical landscape plagued with insincerity and complacency. The Massachusetts-based band formed two years ago with the premise of utilizing a musical platform for good; whether it be starting an environmentally conscious company or writing albums about oppression and equal rights. With one full-length release under their belt (2008’s Travels) and an EP on the horizon (Lost Ground, in stores November 17, 2009), Defeater is once again releasing a musically precise and genre-bending album that will redefine the term “forward-thinking music”.
' This is great EP that isn't even that short for Hc. Be sure to check it if you like so called new HC bands.
Defeater - Lost Ground, 2009. In stores November 17, 2009), Defeater is once again releasing a musically precise and genre-bending album that will. Here you can download free defeater shared files found in our database: Defeater.m4a from host Defeater - Empty Days & Sleepless Nights.rar mediafire.
It was released as a CD and double gatefold 7' vinyl. These guys sure are my favorites.
Also check their debut full length album called. BRAT (Z).
Adicted To Nothing (Z). AKD Izbruh (O, V). AKD Pizdun (O). A.K.D.T.

(O). BUBA (B). BUM Records (D, L). HARDCORE KOPER collective ( B, O).INSANE Booking & Promotion (B).KANONFUTR (F, Z).
KAPA (B, D, R., V). KD Veseli Dihurčki (B). Klub BAZA (B, V).
MKNŽ (B, O, V). MOONLEE Records (B, D, R.). ORTO Bar (V). R.A.F.A.L. (B). Rihemberška glasbena scena (H, F). ROCKONNET (F, Z).
RSQ (Z). Slovenski punk rock portal (H). STORM INSIDE (D, F, Z). Subkulturni azil (O, R.). The Music Works (B). Tovarna ROG (B, O, V).
Twotonebinas Promotions (B). UnderMuza (F). Note to you: This page is my personal archive and place for you to hear artists which you probably could not.
Most of the stuff is very rare and can not be bought. But newer releases can mostly still be bought! Do a favor to artists; if u like them go and buy their CDs and merch, go to shows and keep the scene alive in that way. Don't let yourself forget how good it is to handle and ow original albums.
Defeater Meaning
Any information found on this site must not be used in a way that could cause damage to artists or music community. Majority of albums here is published with approval of the band or artist! I think that it is better to be heard by larger crowd, than to sell a few CDs. Music artists! Let the people hear you.
If they like you, they will support you for sure. If not, selling a CD to them would be ripping them off. If any artist or company does not agree with me, I will move the link, just notify me under comments or by email contact. Feel free to leave a comment. Artists and me will appreciate it! Trying to keep it alive Machete.

Defeater are particularly known for their lyrics, which tell the story of a family living in America post-WWII. Each album focuses on a particular character, though the plots, characters, images, and certain lines tend to overlap and reoccur, which creates a consistency and ties the albums together. On Travels, the main character is the youngest brother/son. On Lost Ground, the main character is not actually part of the family, but the character does have an interaction with the youngest brother on a song from their debut ('Prophet In Plain Clothes'), and this EP is essentially the back story to their exchange. Empty Days & Sleepless Nights follows the older brother/son, and their newest album Letters Home is the story of the father. I don't really want to give away the stories in case anybody has yet to read/listen to them, but I will highly recommend that you do so, because they are quite captivating. Maybe I will do a summary thing for each album later, since it'd be pretty fun for me to do.
I guess I could just add spoiler tags or something, if anybody would be interested in reading something like that. When Defeater began, they got a lot of Modern Of Life Is War comparisons, for good reason of course. They did sound like them, therefore sounded amazing. For the record, they weren't really a 'rip-off' band, they just had a lot in common. Defeater definitely had something great of their own going on, and continued to grow into that. They've always been really tight, and have managed to balance pummeling, rolling rhythms with melodic guitar lines, all the while fitting Derek's (vocalist) intense vocals at the forefront of this soundscape. They also experiment with some acoustic music, which is mostly the brainchild of Derek.
Lost Ground Definition
On Travels, the second portion of 'Prophet In Plain Clothes' is a country/folk song played solely on an acoustic guitar and topped only be Derek's croon. The last four songs on ED&SN are also acoustic-based, and sung instead of screamed/sung harshly. Apparently he was doing the acoustic thing before he was even in Defeater, and his solo acoustic project has taken off in recent years. I guess that's it to say, most people are probably already somewhat familiar with this band. They put on a really good live show, and people seem to really get into them.