Polaroid Miniportrait Manual
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. MiniPortrait CameraModels 203/403User GuideModel 203. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser Guide.Film processing timer on the back ofthe film holder.The numbers throughout the text refer tothe pictures at the back of this UserGuide.Camera parts (Picture1)A. Electronic flash unitB.
Polaroid pack film holder Model 73AC. Shutter buttonD. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuideOR WITH WET HANDS. IF SERVICE ORREPAIR WORK IS REQUIRED, CONTACTAUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER.INCORRECT REASSEMBLY CAN CAUSEELECTRIC SHOCK WHEN UNIT IS USEDSUBSEQUENTLY.7. CLOSE SUPERVISION ISNECESSARY WHEN UNIT IS USEDBY OR NEAR CHILDREN.8. THE USE OF ACCESSORIES OTHERTHAN THOSE RECOMMENDED MAYCAUSE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRICSHOCK OR INJURY. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser Guidebatteries and store them separately, toprevent damage caused by leakingbatteries.Load the batteriesThe camera uses four 1.5 volt AA batteries,which provide power for the shutter,electronic flash unit and sonar rangefinder.Alkaline batteries are recommended.
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Donot use NiCad rechargeable batteries; theymay damage the camera. A set of batteriesis included with the camera.Note: An AC adapter may be preferred forhigh-volume use (see Accessories). Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuidePull both sides of the latch to open thedoor; the door does not open flat. Beforeloading the film, check that the developerrollers are clean (see Clean the developerrollers).To load/change the timer batteries: If thedisplay or tones fade, or if the timer stopsfunctioning, the batteries should bereplaced.
The timer uses two 1.5 voltGP-89A (or equivalent) batteries.Always hold the film pack by the edges, notin the center. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuideSeating the subject (19)The electronic flashA seat should be provided for the subject.Avoid chairs with high backs, which mayappear in the picture. Adjust the height ofthe camera so that the lenses are aboutlevel with the eyes of the seated subject.The flash unit is designed to provide evenillumination and proper exposure. To turnon the flash, simply raise the flash head allthe way (22). The flash turns off when thehead is tilted down.
Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuideImportant: Whenever the portrait selectoris changed to a different setting, thecamera must be reset as described above,to prevent possible double-exposures.If the camera is hand-held, use therangefinder for each portrait, to ensure thatall subjects are at the correct distance.Note: The rangefinder will not work whilethe flash is recharging: it will workonly if the flash is off or ready. (Seealso Appendix: Depth of Field. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser Guidenor with your fingernail, and never attemptto disassemble the rollers. Also cleanthe film tab slot (36). Then replace theroller assembly.3. Start the timer.
The correctprocessing time should already be set.Press the START button once; the timerwill count down to zero. At the end ofthe processing time, a series of shorttones will sound. The timer will reset forthe next picture. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuideDouble exposure: The shutter and portraitcounter were not reset after the portraitselector was moved to a different setting.increases as you close down the lensaperture. Thus, you should always use thesmallest possible lens aperture (highestpossible f-number).Depth of fieldThe table shows the approximate depth offield at the various f-number settings. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuideAlternative lighting techniquesThe flash sync adapterElectronic flash illuminationSome flash units have a different polaritythan the camera’s built-in flash.
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Theadapter reverses this polarity, to allowproper synchronization.Use electronic flash with color film or Type665 film.To determine whether the adapter isneeded with your flash unit:Lighting techniques:.Direct flash: The flash is aimed straightat the subject. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuideMake a test picture. If exposure correctionis needed, see below. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuideTo maintain the correct exposure balancethroughout the picture, the other lamps inthe setup should be moved closer or fartheraway in the same proportion as the mainlamp.
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Do not change the camera-to-subjectdistance.How changing the lamp distanceaffects the exposureThe table below indicates in f-stops howexposure can be adjusted by moving themain lamp nearer or farther away from thesubject. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser Guidetransportation costs. To take advantage ofthis warranty, the camera must be repairedby an Authorized Service Center.United States passport picturesPolacolor pictures made with the Model 203camera meet the requirements for UnitedStates Passports.The warranty does not include thebatteries, or damage caused by leakingbatteries.The United States Passport Office hasspecific photographic requirements. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuideCautionThis process uses a caustic paste. Avoidcontact with skin, eyes and mouth andkeep away from children and animals. Ifyou get some paste on your skin, wipe itoff immediately and wash with water toavoid an alkali burn.
If eye or mouthcontact occurs, quickly wash the area withplenty of water and see a doctor. Keepdiscarded materials away from children,animals, clothing and furniture. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuideCBADLKJEFHIGMPicture 115. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser Guide1112Pictures 2 - 1216. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser Guide18192021BA222324Pictures 13 - 2417.

3Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser Guide3536Pictures 25 - 3618. Miniportrait 203/403 CameraUser GuideCD14243Pictures 25 - 3619B.
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