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There were many odd happenings in the 15 th century which were never published in the chronicles, mostly due to the censorship of the Church. There were some melodies that caused a strange and mysterious anxiety in the people and they were unable to stop dancing after hearing it. Complete villages went crazy: they started to go around dancing not even knowing where they are heading. They grouped into dirty and wild hoards and started wondering around lead by a mysterious force. It took a few weeks before they ended up as victims of burglars or illnesses. Based on the quite inappropriate codices of the time, science describes this phenomenon as ‘dance epidemic’ or ‘dance tantrum’ but there are only vogue guesses about what could cause it.
The explanation can be either mass psychosis or a ‘proper’ epidemic spread by a specific germ similar to the plague – nobody knows. The first one is solely focusing on Folia.
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It starts at the beginning and proceeds to late Baroque. The Zanetti viol is one of the instruments he is playing on this recording. The other one is an original, six-string instrument from 1550; this one has a special, slightly pale, flat, wooden tone, this is one of the most beautiful voice of viola da gamba that we can find on recording. Savall is creating several unbelievable series of sounds, but sometimes even a simple chord can touch us very deeply. He is virtuoso, extremely precise, using decorations; he is emotional but never pathetic. And beyond those there is a delicate, undefinable element for which we have to say that this music is genius. EN Accademia Bizantina EN Lullabiee - Montserrat Figueras EN Mudejar - Begona Olavide EN Byrd - Elizabeth Farr EN Javier Nunez EN Purcell - Savall EN Falconieri EN Sainte Colombe - Savall EN Rolf Lislevand - lute EN Paola Erdas - Cabezon EN Viola da gamba duos EN Mala Punica EN Heed Nexus power amplifier for hifiers only EN Graindelavoix EN Le Poeme Harmonique EN Jordi Savall EN The Werckmeister Harmonies EN Sara Mingardo EN Ensemble Musica Nova EN Jordi Savall EN Fitzwilliam Ensemble EN Pascal Monteilhet EN Modo Antiquo EN Abbado - Dantone - Dumestre EN Capella Mediterranea EN.
Baixaki br webinaria. Jordi Savall i Bernadet is a Catalan conductor, viol player, and composer. He has been one of. Blogger templates. Blogger news. Jordi Savall artist page: interviews, features and/or performances archived at NPR Music.
Arianna Savall
Stella splendens in monte ut solis radium miraculis serrato exaudi populum. Concurrunt universi gaudentes populi divites et egeni grandes et parvuli ipsum ingrediuntur ut cernunt oculi et inde revertuntur gracijis repleti. Principes et magnates extirpe regia saeculi potestates obtenta venia peccaminum proclamant tundentes pectora poplite flexo clamant hic: Ave Maria. Prelati et barones comites incliti religiosi omnes atque presbyteri milites mercatores cives marinari burgenses piscatores praemiantur ibi.
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Rustici aratores nec non notarii advocati scultores cuncti ligni fabri sartores et sutores nec non lanifici artifices et omnes gratulantur ibi. Reginae comitissae illustres dominae potentes et ancillae juvenes parvulae virgines et antiquae pariter viduae conscendunt et hunc montem et religiosae. Coetus hic aggregantur hic ut exhibeant vota regratiantur ut ipsa et reddant aulam istam ditantes hoc cuncti videant jocalibus ornantes soluti redeant. Cuncti ergo precantes sexus utriusque mentes nostras mundantes oremus devote virginem gloriosam matrem clementiae in coelis gratiosam sentiamus vere.